Here it is the efficacy of honey to your natural beauty

Beauty women are usually in the skin care. soft skin is often identified with the beauty of a woman. The treatment of the skin occur naturally or use of chemicals. But it seems that the most interesting natural treatments and no effect in the future.

One of the natural ingredients that is often used as a treatment option for a woman's body honey. The benefits of honey for the beauty we already knew all the time. Soft, beautiful honey-colored hypnotized all women perform a variety of beauty treatments with honey.

Women are born with natural beauty. But in fact, not born with the natural beauty essential that women become complacent.

This is not a bad thing. The natural beauty, which was owned by women are in fact a need treatment, beauty is well preserved.

The wrinkles are there because it was time for doctors is that beauty can be handled by medical devices. Everything can be done by surgery and injections of various chemicals in the body.

But the side effects of all this is pretty big. If we used the shape of the nose may well seem strange. Cases of this kind are many of us met in the world of beauty.

For women who truly appreciate their beauty, variety of operations and chemical injection seem unnecessary. She would have preferred to use a variety of natural body care.

In addition to this effect had little natural body care is not too expensive. You can even natural substances that are positive for beauty with great ease. Ask one of them is the honey.

The benefits of honey for beauty has been recognized by the international community. Cleopatra is famous for its beauty, believe also use honey to keep her beauty. These are the benefits of beauty for you honey.

1. Honey contains humektan, one kind of substance that contains a lot of moisturizer. Mosturizer is a substance widely used in various cosmetics such as body lotion and conditioner used. This material is suitable for dry skin. More than one person, then the moisture would be lower. mosturizer containing honey are used to restore the skin's own moisture. The advantage of honey is that various types of skin. Wetting contained honey will make the skin dry and flaky.
2. Honey also contains antibiotics. The content is useful for the type of treatment for mild acne.
3. Honey contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA). HAAs are compounds that are useful to exfoliate dead skin cells. See our skin, especially facial skin younger.

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Here it is the efficacy of honey to your natural beauty

Posted by Natural Beauty, Published at 1:05 PM and have 0 komentar
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