Sleep quality for health and beauty

The most potent drug to eliminate all disease is rest, and rest the best are sleeping. So how exactly a good sleep and healthy? Many opinions about this, and I'm sure you've read some articles about it, but not one too right if I had his own views and opinions about this.
Let us begin this discussion. Many people in the community ranging from lower level to the most hight underestimate the sleep problems of this class, there are still many reasons to have to work overtime, there is also a bersengaja for some reason, such clubbing is certainly common practice for middle to upper economic circles, there is also preoccupied with staying up because of gambling games such as to reduce the hours of sleep should be. Although there is also an illness is difficult to sleep.
I think for any reason that causes delayed sleep it is something that starts from the habit.People insomnia illness is most likely due to the habit of staying up that led to the nerves has been programmed to sleep head to linger even a sleepless night. To treat it must be treated individually and involve experts. If you want to do yourself, start with the setup program regular sleep schedule step by step. because if done spontaneously would also be difficult to be trained from scratch again.
So how good sleep in my version?

1. Sleep is scheduled 
2. Before bed a ritual or a habit to clean the entire limbs are most obliged to mouth, teeth, hands and feet and face.
3. Dressed in clean and clean bed 
4. Not prone 
5. etc.

The benefit would be more quality sleep in the healing of fatigue and stress.  with a fresh body will affect your appearance and your face will look fresh and radiant
That's my little opinion about sleep, how is your opinion, please add your opinion is of course still very much??

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Sleep quality for health and beauty

Posted by Natural Beauty, Published at 7:57 PM and have 7 komentar
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7 komentar:

  1. Thank you for visiting!
    interesting your post about sleep, sleep better no doubt bring more quality of life!!!
    I like to listen to "Enya" while I go to sleep, slow music help you sleep in peace q have a quiet night :)

  2. ok, thx for visit, comment and your opinion :)

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  5. very nice article,,,thank you 4sharing
