Very often we underestimate something small, so small it is often considered to be something big swell, the result difficult to treat. one of which is very rare to the attention of an eye, as long as vision is still good, we rarely pay attention to her treatment when compared with treatments to other parts of the body, but with clear eyes, healthy beauty you will menambaha.
Now I will give way to cure pink eye natural way:
Here's how
1. Prepare a betel leaf to taste
2. Soak the betel leaf into clean warm water
3. Let stand for about 15 minutes
4. Take a betel leaf, marinated
5. Dip in a state of open eyes in water immersion results betel leaf
6. Many diagnostic Hold long sesusai your ability to hold his breath underwater
7. repeat several times until it feels good.
Please do regularly, and feel the benefits.
Good luck, hopefully useful
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